Sunday, February 1, 2009

Getting Started on your own Massive savings!

I have been asked (by my many saving loving friends) to start a Grocery blog about my great savings using the Grocery Smarts program. So lets get YOU started!
step by step.
1. Start saving those Sunday coupons! Don't be stingy when it comes to getting Sunday coupons, you need more then one set! I get 5 sets each Sunday. This is one for each member in my family and one extra. So sign up for your Sunday delivery ASAP! Call your paper and ask is they give a grocery smarts discount.
2. When you get those awesome coupons (don't cut anything out!) make sure you make a note of what Sunday they came on, here is the example. Use a bold black marker so they are easier to find.

3. go to the grocery smarts website your passport will be g84cjr.
4. Choose your grocery store. I choose Albertsons, but all your favorite stores will be on there. Once you have selected your store, the weekly ads will pop up! Hooray! Look at everything that is on sale! Ads come out each Wednesday, so you will need to check this once a week... you pick the date. I try to do it Wednesday nights.
5. Click on start up in the right hand corner, this will allow you to highlight ONLY the things YOU want to buy!
6. After you have selected what you want to purchase, click on shrink (also in the right hand corner)
. This gives you your own shopping list. The more stars you have next to your item, the bigger deal you will be getting so I recommend STOCKING up!
7. On the right hand side of your new shopping list, it tells you where to find the coupons that will give you the best deal. They may be printable online coupons with the link right there (click and print as many as it will allow you) OR it will say something like ss-12/14 this means you will find your coupon in the Smart Source packet that came in your December 14th paper. There is also RP which means Red Plum. Some papers will also include a Dollar Days packet or a P&G Brand saver.

8. Go find your coupons, and clip them.
9. Now that you have clipped your coupons, you can count how many you are going to buy at the store. Read the coupons some are you have to buy two to get the deal. Write the number of items you are going to get on your shopping list so you don't have to figure all that out at the store. This is what mine looks like before I head out.
10. If they are out of an item on your list GET A RAIN CHECK!
11. Make sure if you are going to Albertson or Smiths, or somewhere where they have a preferred savings card that YOU have ONE!
12. Go to the checkout... I give my savings card, and my coupons at the end, that way I can see what I WOULD HAVE been paying as opposed to what my bill will be! Thats the BEST part!
13. SMILE, you just saved your family MONEY! You'll be taking that family vacation sooner then you thought!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this, I wanted to go to the class, but I was training. Love the whiteboard, I wonder where else you may use that :) Hope all is well!
